The virtual prison is called Facebook.
Sentence him to house arrest with 2400 baud dial-up. Or is that cruel and unusual punishment?
They do serve their time online, looking up any which way they can sue the State for being treated like the prisoners that they are.
“Waaaahh, I wasn’t given my favoirite brand of toothpaste. I want 10 million dollars. Waaahhh.”
quinones.felix over 14 years ago
The virtual prison is called Facebook.
pschearer Premium Member over 14 years ago
Sentence him to house arrest with 2400 baud dial-up. Or is that cruel and unusual punishment?
mrslukeskywalker over 14 years ago
They do serve their time online, looking up any which way they can sue the State for being treated like the prisoners that they are.
“Waaaahh, I wasn’t given my favoirite brand of toothpaste. I want 10 million dollars. Waaahhh.”