Breaking Cat News by Georgia Dunn for March 22, 2017
Lupin: Potty training is underway. Here's Elvis with more! Elvis: Potty training has begun, Lupin, and the stakes have never been higher. Toddler, what can you tell us? Toddler: Is MY potty. Is an alligator, ok? Elvis: ....Ok. Beatrix: According to this book until potty training, people carry their litter in their pants. Which sounds super convenient and really awful. Elvis: Now that Toddler has begun this journey, he is more observant of everyone's personal routines. Toddler: Kitty go potty! Good Kitty! Puck: ...Thank you? Toddler: My potty is an alligator, ok? Puck: Ok. Woman: You need to give everyone potty privacy. Toddler: But he get sticker now! Woman: Cat's don't want stickers. Lupin: CN news, YO, IS THAT A STICKER?!
He reads the newspaper while in the litter box?