The worst that ever happened to us was when our little girl cat stuck her head through the handle-loop of one of those stiff plastic bags and then tried to move and the rattling frightened her. She started to run and IT CHASED HER! …because of course, she was dragging it. She couldn’t see where she was going and flew through the house slamming into things and hurting herself. It was really hard to catch her and she was literally panting with fear. Now I see cats doing that on those ‘funniest cat videos’ where someone is laughing and I think, “That’s not funny. Your cat is frightened and hurting itself. What’s wrong with you?” Now we cut all loops like that as soon as the sack comes into the house.
The worst that ever happened to us was when our little girl cat stuck her head through the handle-loop of one of those stiff plastic bags and then tried to move and the rattling frightened her. She started to run and IT CHASED HER! …because of course, she was dragging it. She couldn’t see where she was going and flew through the house slamming into things and hurting herself. It was really hard to catch her and she was literally panting with fear. Now I see cats doing that on those ‘funniest cat videos’ where someone is laughing and I think, “That’s not funny. Your cat is frightened and hurting itself. What’s wrong with you?” Now we cut all loops like that as soon as the sack comes into the house.