Good morning and happy Caturday, orbsters and orbabies! Is it just me, or are both ends of the floss floating free in the first panel, and in the last panel, one end is connected to the container? We had several hours of rain yesterday. The ground needed it. Today we are going to a birthday party for Paul’s grandchildren, grandson turned three 2 weeks ago, and granddaughter turned one yesterday. We are both looking forward to the outing. Everyone have a wonderful day! ((((((((((mega-orb))))))))))
Good morning and happy Caturday, orbsters and orbabies! Is it just me, or are both ends of the floss floating free in the first panel, and in the last panel, one end is connected to the container? We had several hours of rain yesterday. The ground needed it. Today we are going to a birthday party for Paul’s grandchildren, grandson turned three 2 weeks ago, and granddaughter turned one yesterday. We are both looking forward to the outing. Everyone have a wonderful day! ((((((((((mega-orb))))))))))