Brewster Rockit by Tim Rickard for August 22, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  over 15 years ago

    How quickly the tune changes…

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  over 15 years ago

    “You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone”.

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  3. Missing large
    JackParsons  over 15 years ago

    Robot Town Hall Teabag Ruckus!

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  4. Senmurv
    mrsullenbeauty  over 15 years ago

    Oldbot’s bowtie blanched with shock at that turnaround.

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  5. But eo
    Rakkav  over 15 years ago

    Actually, it turned black at Dr. Mel’s news. It was uncharacteristically white before and after. What’s up with that?

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  6. John adams1
    Motivemagus  over 15 years ago

    Maybe it’s reflective.

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  7. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member over 15 years ago

    tis far too subtle to be effective, but it reveals tim’s view

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  8. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  over 15 years ago

    This comic should be used on posters and in magazines to help rally support for health care.

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  9. Bly head2
    Bill_Wa  over 15 years ago

    So who is going to pay for killbots healthcare? Every other bot? Remember it’s not single payer health care, it’s 300 million payer. Reagan said it best. Government isn’t the solution to the problem, it IS the problem.

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  10. Missing large
    swhite828  over 15 years ago

    Govt is only the problem if it isn’t putting money in your pocket. When it is, it’s the greatest!

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  11. Ngc891 rs 580x527
    alan.gurka  over 15 years ago

    But when the gov’t’s putting money in your pocket, it’s taking it out of everybody else’s. As for the changing bowtie, I think we’re missing out because it’s a black and white strip. If it were in color, we might see it changing to red (outrage) or green (envy) or another color to express a different emotion. So, we’re left to use our imaginations.

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  12. Missing large
    DavidEMartin  over 15 years ago

    BillWa, who is paying for the wars Republicans love to start? As for quoting Reagan, remember the man was showing signs of senility in his first year in office. Big Business isn’t the solution to the problem, Big Business IS the problem!

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  13. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 6 years ago

    Shoe on other foot. Pinches painfully.

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  14. Img 20241102 155448733
    David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace  almost 6 years ago

    We need robots to tend robots and people.

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