I figured out that those are abstract representations of the octave scale of notes written by intelligent octopodes from Earth’s future 235 million years in that future. You see in their time they have yet to come across any alien species that are their level of intelligence or greater. So they found a way of going backwards in time. They found that intelligence had flowered numerous times going back to the Permian then even further into the Carboniferous Period (“fairies”). And one way they find out is with the geometric designs. If they don’t they are left alone. They could have found a few past their time much further ahead of nearly a billion years from today.
I figured out that those are abstract representations of the octave scale of notes written by intelligent octopodes from Earth’s future 235 million years in that future. You see in their time they have yet to come across any alien species that are their level of intelligence or greater. So they found a way of going backwards in time. They found that intelligence had flowered numerous times going back to the Permian then even further into the Carboniferous Period (“fairies”). And one way they find out is with the geometric designs. If they don’t they are left alone. They could have found a few past their time much further ahead of nearly a billion years from today.