lincolnhyde says: Henryhurst - I believe the daily email is only available if you go Pro.
I haven’t gone Pro and have gotten my daily classic Foxtrot (one allowed to non-pros) almost every day. Every once in a while there is a problem and I don’t get Foxtrot for a few days, then I get all of the ones that were missed at once. I’m not sure what Henryhurst’s problem is, but not being Pro isn’t it.
lincolnhyde says: Henryhurst - I believe the daily email is only available if you go Pro.
I haven’t gone Pro and have gotten my daily classic Foxtrot (one allowed to non-pros) almost every day. Every once in a while there is a problem and I don’t get Foxtrot for a few days, then I get all of the ones that were missed at once. I’m not sure what Henryhurst’s problem is, but not being Pro isn’t it.