Buni girl gives Buni a heart shaped card. He holds it and celebrates as he's wearing a VR headset. Buni girl and her boyfriend walk by as this is happening.
You know, I’ve always loved this comic and I still do, so not trying to give a hard time but… I’ve never been crazy about this continuing ‘friend zone’ joke. So like this entire time that Buni has been crushing on Bungirl, he’s not at all paying attention to other girls who might be interested in him, right? But they don’t matter— because they’re not the ones HE’S interested in. So why is it only important who HE’S in love with? If he knew there had been a girl who was in love with him for years, would he be expected to just drop everything, drop his love for Bungirl, and love that other girl instead, if she had only ‘done enough nice things for him’? No matter what that other girl looked like, how old she was, what her personality was like— all she’d have to do is just do a lot of nice things for him and love him, and then he’d automatically love her back? No, right? So why is it continuously depicted like Bungirl is supposed to drop everything and love Buni back?
You know, I’ve always loved this comic and I still do, so not trying to give a hard time but… I’ve never been crazy about this continuing ‘friend zone’ joke. So like this entire time that Buni has been crushing on Bungirl, he’s not at all paying attention to other girls who might be interested in him, right? But they don’t matter— because they’re not the ones HE’S interested in. So why is it only important who HE’S in love with? If he knew there had been a girl who was in love with him for years, would he be expected to just drop everything, drop his love for Bungirl, and love that other girl instead, if she had only ‘done enough nice things for him’? No matter what that other girl looked like, how old she was, what her personality was like— all she’d have to do is just do a lot of nice things for him and love him, and then he’d automatically love her back? No, right? So why is it continuously depicted like Bungirl is supposed to drop everything and love Buni back?