Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for May 08, 2015
Miss Wormwood: "Calvin, would you demonstrate the next problem at the board?" Calvin: "Yes Miss Worm-wood. I would be hap-py to do an-y-thing you ask" Calvin: "I have been suc-cess-ful-ly pro-grammed to obey all di-rec-tives. I have no will of my own... my own" Calvin: "Doesn't anybody appreciate theater?"
And now, Calvin, starring in…….. “RoboFlop.”It seems like “Calvin the Robot” has a turntable inside his head, and the record is skipping. But that’s OK, because the Principal will create a new record to add to the collection.Speaking of theater, Miss Wormwood has seen many of Calvin’s performances over the years. Most of them are staged. He usually plays the role of the antagonist.Calvin doesn’t need to work from a script, because he is always capable of making a scene. Especially when he’s on a role.For Puddleglum — in today’s strip: “Exit, stage left!” (Snagglepuss)
To view the following strips in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive links below. To view the strips directly, click on the images below or stretch them.Perhaps today’s Calvin and Hobbes helped to inspire Wiley Miller to create the following Non Sequitur strip:Non Sequitur (February 27, 2009)Peanuts (September 9, 1971)Peanuts (June 14, 1961)Mutts (June 12, 2014)At least Linus appreciates high-quality theater:Peanuts (February 29, 1976)