Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for August 01, 2015
July 31, 2015
August 02, 2015
Mom: "I want you to pick up your room today, ok?"
Calvin: "Do I get paid?"
Mom: "No"
Calvin: "If I don't get paid, how do I know it's important?!"
Mom: "You can trust a mother one that"
Mothers aren’t paid for the most important things that they do.
Note that Calvin is so short that only his head shows above the bottom of the last panel. In the first panel, he is only 1/3 the height of his mother. If his mother is, say, 5 feet 6 inches tall, then Calvin is less than 2 feet tall — that’s only 22 inches (56 centimeters for those of you in the rest of the world…..).The average height for a six-year-old is about 3 1/2 feet — that’s 42 inches (107 centimeters).To view the following strip in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive link below. To view the strip directly, click on the image below or stretch it.Peanuts (July 7, 1967)
Mothers aren’t paid for the most important things that they do.
Note that Calvin is so short that only his head shows above the bottom of the last panel. In the first panel, he is only 1/3 the height of his mother. If his mother is, say, 5 feet 6 inches tall, then Calvin is less than 2 feet tall — that’s only 22 inches (56 centimeters for those of you in the rest of the world…..).The average height for a six-year-old is about 3 1/2 feet — that’s 42 inches (107 centimeters).To view the following strip in the archive and help GoComics generate revenue, please click on the blue archive link below. To view the strip directly, click on the image below or stretch it.Peanuts (July 7, 1967)