Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for March 15, 1998
Voice on phone: Do you really want to go out? Or did I call during your weekly "sunday night life review" session, in which you just vowed to go out with the next person who asked no matter who it was? Man at door: Are you ready for our date...or are you peeking out the peep hole to see what I'm wearing before you decide what your're wearing? Are you actually interested in my life story..or have you just read one of those articles on the importance of letting the man talk? Are you really a light eater...or do you do all your real eating when a man isn't in the room? Are you not ordering dessert because you don't want dessert...or because you're planning to eat ninety-five percent of mine? Are you really going to the ladies' room...or are you slipping off to a pay phone to call a girlfriend for a mid-date counseling session? The problem isn't meeting men my age. The problem is meeting men my age who have never been around any women.