Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for October 24, 2010
Charlene: Salad? Cathy: Salad. Charlene: I have to start exercising. Cathy: I've been working out five times a week since June 1. Charlene: Since June 1?? That's fabulous! Cathy:...Well, I got the flu, so I missed a few weeks. Charlene: But you're DOING it! Cathy: ...Then some work things came up.. ...Then I was out of town...I sort of got off my schedule. Charlene: But you were doing it five times a week! Cathy: Actually, it was probably more like four times a week... ...Actually, I did it five times a week once. Twice a week three times, and haven't really been back. Charlene: Oh, so you're not exercising either. Cathy: What are you talking about?? I have a whole program! MY REGULAR PROGRAM IS TO WORK OUT FIVE TIMES A WEEK!! Charlene: Ah...that explains all the rippling muscles. Cathy: Non-exercisers just don't understand commitment...
I agree with those people who have commented that these older strips are better than the new ones were. I’m enjoying them very much.