It’s called “entitlement,” lightenup, and it’s an affliction as old as mankind.
Irving’s generation grew up with the idea that it’s all about them, and that the universe exists only to cater to their every whim – NOW. They were never raised with the values that you’re espousing (or else rejected them), and that’s why Irving is whining about not being an “instant millionaire” like so many of the dot-commers of the early 90s were (and we know now how well THEY turned out!)
It’s called “entitlement,” lightenup, and it’s an affliction as old as mankind.
Irving’s generation grew up with the idea that it’s all about them, and that the universe exists only to cater to their every whim – NOW. They were never raised with the values that you’re espousing (or else rejected them), and that’s why Irving is whining about not being an “instant millionaire” like so many of the dot-commers of the early 90s were (and we know now how well THEY turned out!)