Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for June 29, 2014
Cathy: How long have we resisted? Charlene: 23 minutes. Cathy: "If I dont' have in in the home, I won't be tempted"...a lot of good that did! Charlene: "I will practice moderation" ...Hah! Cathy: I've tried cutting back...and look at me! Charlene: Who can resist? It's everywhere! Cathy: I start each day pledging to be better...and then I let it take over half my life! It's time to just say "NO"! Charlene: Before another lovely June day slips away..."NO"! Cathy: Maybe just one last dibit... Charlene:It always looks so innocent on the menu... Last year's summer goal: To be fat-free. This year's: To be e-mail free.
I agree with all of the comments — can’t resist checking email/facebook way too often, but do manage to escape when I go on vacation, and glad everyone had nice vacations and is enjoying good weather!! :)