Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for September 06, 2015
Cathy: This is Andrea, who will be a bridesmaid, and her daughter, Zenith, who will be my "flower teen." Saleswoman: Nice to meet you. How are you? Zenith and Andrea: I look in the mirror and no longer recognize myself. This isn't my face. Isn't my skin. Isn't my body. Who am I?? What am I doing with my life?? How could another summer be over? I need more time!! My life no longer fits and I feel panic! Panic! Panic! (Sigh). Andrea: Middle age. Zenith: Middle school. Saleswoman: Perhaps we should reschedule when back-to-school weekend is over...
Don’t know about your state, but school starts August 1st in TN.