This is an old workout idea, I remember seeing a mini-series years ago about the first modern olympics, in the story the guy who was doing the shotput and the discus practiced with a shotput and discus made by a local blacksmith based on drawings from classic illustraions that were way out of proportion. He never did very well in practice because his equipment was so heavy, but when he walked onto the field with his own discus he was doubled over and carrying the discus with both hands because it was so heavy. The officials insisted that he had to use an official discus and handed him one that was about a quarter the size and weight of the one he’d been practicing with, the guy shrugged, took the discus, and threw it so far it bounced off the bottom of the grandstand, yes, he took the gold medal. And the same thing happened the next day when he tried to use his own shotput.
This is an old workout idea, I remember seeing a mini-series years ago about the first modern olympics, in the story the guy who was doing the shotput and the discus practiced with a shotput and discus made by a local blacksmith based on drawings from classic illustraions that were way out of proportion. He never did very well in practice because his equipment was so heavy, but when he walked onto the field with his own discus he was doubled over and carrying the discus with both hands because it was so heavy. The officials insisted that he had to use an official discus and handed him one that was about a quarter the size and weight of the one he’d been practicing with, the guy shrugged, took the discus, and threw it so far it bounced off the bottom of the grandstand, yes, he took the gold medal. And the same thing happened the next day when he tried to use his own shotput.