Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for December 27, 2009
Alice: The year is almost over! Dill: So? Alice: I swore that this year I'd learn to swing by myself. Dill: So? Alice: And I'd learn how to walk and how to whistle. Dill: I swore I'd learn how to tell my feet apart. Alice: Maybe I set the bar too high. Let's go watch TV. Dill: I'd race you, but my feet are too confusing.
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Lovely stuff.
Flintstoned almost 15 years ago
Slow or stupid,your call.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
There’s always next year and you won’t remember when it happens!
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Well, at least you don’t have to set newer, loftier goals.
randayn almost 15 years ago
RT, you are a genius.. Even if doesn’t declare you one.
richardcthompson Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Thanks, randayn! But I pay my twelve bucks like everybody else here (who’s a genius, that is).
SandyRoss- Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I love how Alice is trying so hard to swing that one eye is closed and the tongue is out..pure concentration!
vawser almost 15 years ago
Or maybe… She’s trying to learn how to wink, whistle and swing all at the same time! Hilarious, Richard
SandyRoss- Premium Member almost 15 years ago are right..not sure why I didn’t catch that! I guess I subscribe to too many comics and tried to skim thru before I had to be somewhere. I better go back & reread my favorites to see if I missed anything else!
fritzoid Premium Member almost 15 years ago
“I feel I no longer understand my feet.” – Petey Otterloop, on first wearing soccer cleats.
realman almost 15 years ago
The last week of Cul de Sac has been fantastic: A peak in the strip’s history.
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 15 years ago
I got my socks on the wrong feet again. I don’t know how, these are the only feet I have.
comics4brown almost 15 years ago
My grandkids have struggled with learning to swing, but I don’t recall such expressions on their faces. As for telling which foot is which – let’s just say that even “old kids” have problems from time to time. In Jr high I used to mark my gym shoes left and right just so I could get ready quicker!
DonVanni over 14 years ago
I think Alice did learn to wink. In fact I use her first wink as my avatar.
Me_Again about 14 years ago
Oh, Dill! -giggle-
obeney2000 over 12 years ago
Love that he is standing in 5th position. Don’t know if that was a joke for dancers but it made me laugh.
DHurd almost 5 years ago
Dill reminds me of the uh-oh baby in the eighth panel.
calvin.hobbes almost 5 years ago
no under-swing trench?