Well. the Earth’s core is supposedly a giant ball of molten iron. According to a popular educational video called “The Core”, that iron creates our world’s magnetic field, making compasses work and shielding us from the deadly radiation from the Sun.
chireef over 12 years ago
you mean the center isn’t a soft creamy filling?
chireef over 12 years ago
how un-american!
pcolli over 12 years ago
How typically human.
el8 over 12 years ago
All rockheads go to heaven.
xpurplezebra over 12 years ago
Malignant Magic Magnet
docopenhaver over 12 years ago
Well. the Earth’s core is supposedly a giant ball of molten iron. According to a popular educational video called “The Core”, that iron creates our world’s magnetic field, making compasses work and shielding us from the deadly radiation from the Sun.