what most people don’t realized is that the first four years of any president is not an true indicator of his policies. They usually need another four years for their true colors to come thu. The only exception in history would be Teddy Roosevelt, he used executive order quite often. And, Thank God, to the benefit of the nation. It would have been nice to see President Obama use that when the banks used the bailout money for bonuses.
oddball1972 over 12 years ago
After 4 years of Obama, can you now blame Bush?
PlainBill over 12 years ago
You can come down now.
Zaristerex over 12 years ago
I never blame any president for the economy directly. Don’t you think if they could truly control the economy, it would always be good???
stripseeker over 12 years ago
@Wolf Emperor
Got an “F” in history, eh?
newworldmozart over 12 years ago
what most people don’t realized is that the first four years of any president is not an true indicator of his policies. They usually need another four years for their true colors to come thu. The only exception in history would be Teddy Roosevelt, he used executive order quite often. And, Thank God, to the benefit of the nation. It would have been nice to see President Obama use that when the banks used the bailout money for bonuses.
xpurplezebra over 12 years ago
tunn around and around and around while the population grows 3 milliona year.
K M over 12 years ago
I for one intend to hold Obummer to his word. He said if he didn’t get the economy turned around, he’d be a one-term president. Door, meet tush.
DrMoses over 12 years ago
I am glad to see that you have your hiking gear on Ziggy. You are going to need it. “Humor is tragedy plus time” ~ Mark Twain.