Arlo and Janis by Jimmy Johnson for October 02, 2012

  1. Gocomicsavatar
    Tony   about 12 years ago

    Is it my imagination, or does Janis’s expression not change at all through all four frames?

    I love the 3D effect in the third frame though; I almost ducked when Arlo’s hand shot out at me!

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    Varnes  about 12 years ago

    Arlo’s gettin’ pretty good at this…….

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    alviebird  about 12 years ago

    He’s guessing, but doing it pretty well.

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    LHPuttgrass  about 12 years ago

    The giant hand returns.

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    riverhawk  about 12 years ago

    Go Arlo….you let her know that you are there for her…..

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    david.reichert  about 12 years ago

    This is an epiphany sex moment.

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  7. Frankenaaron
    NE1956  about 12 years ago

    Arlo is no dummy. Good job man. I wonder if he knows Jimbo Gumbo. Jimbo taught me a lot about garbage night. He should share with his peers.

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    iced tea  about 12 years ago

    Get with it Janis. Arlo cares for you. That’s why he keeps asking if you’re okay.

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    jackiehmoon  about 12 years ago

    Arlo is with it. Sometimes there are just so many emotions that you can’t “explain it”. They just are there. Janis appreciates that he is in tune that she is dealing with something but that he can’t “fix it”. Just be there and give her the space she needs. She will be fine and so will he.

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