Money does not bring happiness. You are the same person with or without money. If you’re miserable, money isn’t going to fix that in the long run. Growing up in a house with money I learned early on that chasing the almighty dollar was a fruitless effort. I never saw my parents, they were always “at work.” As an older adult, I like being part of the middle, middle class. :)
They may get unhappy but it’s never about not having money, they can travel to get away from it all and don’t have to worry if they can pay a car note or groceries for the week or worry about electricity being turned off because you didn’t pay your bill on time…etc
the only thing they worry about is getting caught for swindling money from others…
Herb Thiel Premium Member over 12 years ago
Proves the old saw about money not buying happiness.
elysummers over 12 years ago
Money does not bring happiness. You are the same person with or without money. If you’re miserable, money isn’t going to fix that in the long run. Growing up in a house with money I learned early on that chasing the almighty dollar was a fruitless effort. I never saw my parents, they were always “at work.” As an older adult, I like being part of the middle, middle class. :)
gcarlson over 12 years ago
Archie: Money can’t buy you happiness, you know!Treacher: No, but you can have a jolly time being miserable.- Duffy’s Tavern
Leticia Shelley over 12 years ago
They may get unhappy but it’s never about not having money, they can travel to get away from it all and don’t have to worry if they can pay a car note or groceries for the week or worry about electricity being turned off because you didn’t pay your bill on time…etc
the only thing they worry about is getting caught for swindling money from others…
Jim Bedsole Premium Member over 12 years ago
Well apparently they have enough money to spend three months in Europe.