Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for October 06, 2012
RJ: demon herb, i want my soul back. no refunds. no exchanges. ....all soul sales are final. man: poppycock! I never met a supernatural contract I couldn't tear into tiny, metaphysical pieces!...allow me to introduce myself....dave franklin: zombie lawyer! verne: um...you dropped an ear.
WillardMBaker over 12 years ago
Isn’t that my Congressman?
HiVeloCT over 12 years ago
Zombie lawyer? Why make the distinction; is there any OTHER kind of lawyer?
mistercatworks over 12 years ago
Does it take the “living dead” to make a “living will”? Now Hammy’s real troubles begin with a lawyer who brings new meaning to “habeas corpses (sic)”.
vwdualnomand over 12 years ago
see, lawyers are the walking dead zombies. they should all be shot in the head.
PShaw0423 over 12 years ago
Consider the old saying, “A religious fanatic is anyone who’s closer to God than you are.”.So, I wouldn’t be so quick to call Nabuquduriuzhur, or anyone else, a “religious nut job”. (I didn’t include your word “obnoxious”, because all that means is that you, personally, don’t like his going to a place you don’t want to be…and that’s your problem, no one else’s.).Someone intensely religious people are, in fact, nut jobs — but only because they’re psychopaths firsts, not because they’re religious. The dividing line, I think, is whether someone is willing to die for his beliefs, or is willing to murder others for them. (And before you get started, this applies to people of every faith, or ideology.).Nabuquduriuzhur, on the other hand, has done nothing more than to present Bible passages, which are relevant to the topic, to people who may or may not want to hear them — neither deranged nor harmful behavior — and I, for one, appreciate his doing that.
Only a sinner saved by grace over 12 years ago
My, what an unobnoxious comment… have I mentioned the great need for a sarcasm font?
Only a sinner saved by grace over 12 years ago
They’re more like anti-religions…I’ve never met a cheerful feminist.
decalwrites over 12 years ago
And on that note I am just gone – not a lot of tolerance here today…