The Big Picture by Lennie Peterson for November 30, 2012

  1. Bzrynmhigaatb0i
    common sanse  about 12 years ago

    did ya hear the one where a seeing eye dog leads a blind man across the street against the light. after doing it a couple of more times and almost getting the man killed, the blind man gets out a treet to feed to the dog. a bystander said"why are you giving him a treet. He almost got you killed". The blind man said" I know I’m trying to find his head so I can kick him in the butt".

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  2. Guitar vader
    Destroyer1376  about 12 years ago

    Answer: Dogs look at the traffic, and when it is clear, they walk.

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    larryrhoades  about 12 years ago

    Color blind people, I am told, rely on the position of the lamp.

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    Naomi Dunbar  about 12 years ago

    Dogs are taught to go with the flow of traffic. So when traffic goes, generally so do pedestrians. Plus seeing eye dogs are chosen for their intelligence and ability to adapt. There. I’ve shared my theories.

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    Saucy1121 Premium Member about 12 years ago

    The blind person listens for the traffic and tells the dog when to go.

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