The creationists should be along any minute to whine about natural selection (exoticdoc2 is usually first).The other day I read an interesting idea—creationists now are in the same position as geocentrists were in the time of Galileo. At the very end of their heyday, with all the facts against them, but desperately trying to hold on to their cultural power. That is why, despite the fact that they have lost every scientific battle (see, for example, the books “Why Evolution is True” by Jerry Coyne, “Why Evolution Works (and Why Creation Fails)” by Young & Strode, or “Scientists Confront Creationism” edited by Petto & Godfrey), and every legal battle (Epperson v. Arkansas, Edwards v. Aguillard, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District), they resort to politics (think Rick Perry appointing one creationist after another to the Texas State Board of Education) to hang on to cultural power; sort of a “damn the facts, full speed ahead” approach. Their inability to come to grips with reality would be sad if it weren’t so dangerous to the future of education in this country.A nice, short primer on natural selection can be found at which is part of a very nice introductory course on evolution; start here:
Tirasmol over 12 years ago
I didn’t see the lion at first and couldn’t figure this out.
Stephen Gilberg over 12 years ago
He’s… not running….
markjoseph125 over 12 years ago
The creationists should be along any minute to whine about natural selection (exoticdoc2 is usually first).The other day I read an interesting idea—creationists now are in the same position as geocentrists were in the time of Galileo. At the very end of their heyday, with all the facts against them, but desperately trying to hold on to their cultural power. That is why, despite the fact that they have lost every scientific battle (see, for example, the books “Why Evolution is True” by Jerry Coyne, “Why Evolution Works (and Why Creation Fails)” by Young & Strode, or “Scientists Confront Creationism” edited by Petto & Godfrey), and every legal battle (Epperson v. Arkansas, Edwards v. Aguillard, Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School District), they resort to politics (think Rick Perry appointing one creationist after another to the Texas State Board of Education) to hang on to cultural power; sort of a “damn the facts, full speed ahead” approach. Their inability to come to grips with reality would be sad if it weren’t so dangerous to the future of education in this country.A nice, short primer on natural selection can be found at which is part of a very nice introductory course on evolution; start here:
robolt over 12 years ago
Simple simian.
markjoseph125 over 12 years ago
You’ve broken the code!
krisl73 over 12 years ago
The evolutionists ignore a lot too. Did you watch Expelled by Ben Stein?