Trying to figure out the insignia on the character with the “just had my pupils dialated” glasses. Kind of like the symbol for male, with a hint of Muslim thrown in with the crescent moon. What’s his super power? Issue fatwas in a single jump to conclusions?
zero over 12 years ago
Wildcard win. Go team…
ekw555 over 12 years ago
for a guy who never seems to move, that Rocket Hat sure kicks some butt!
Dr Sheriff MB esq PhD DML over 12 years ago
inspirational leadership begats empowerment…. with net results….
MeGoNow Premium Member over 12 years ago
I love that guy. Wasn’t he CEO over at Hewlett Packard?
Jeff0811 over 12 years ago
Trying to figure out the insignia on the character with the “just had my pupils dialated” glasses. Kind of like the symbol for male, with a hint of Muslim thrown in with the crescent moon. What’s his super power? Issue fatwas in a single jump to conclusions?
docnuke over 12 years ago
Rocket Hat kicks butt! Where’s his major motion picture? Sure, he won’t speak, or move, but still…he rocks!
Mr. Snuffles almost 4 years ago
Teamwork makes you get beat about the face and head