Cow and Boy Classics by Mark Leiknes for March 04, 2007
"Do you ever look back on something you've done and cringe because it still embarrasses you to this day?" "No, I don't believe in dwelling on the past. There is too much going on in the present and future to fixate on what could have been." "After all, to err is human and we've all done things that we may not be proud of, but it's a part of the journey that we all must take and that journey is called life." "And if you've never embarrassed yourself, it means you've never taken a chance and who wants to go through their whole lives never having done that?" "That's good because someone uploaded last year's school talent show to YouTube." "On the good ship Lollipop, it's a sweet trip to the candy shop, where bon-bons play on the sunny beach of Peppermint Bay..." tappy tappy "Lemonade stands everywhere, Cracker Jack bands fill the air, and there you are. Happy landing on a chocolate bar." "What...was I...thinking?" "I really don't want to know."