That is Priceless by Steve Melcher for November 21, 2012

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 12 years ago


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  2. Large dd2
    zero  about 12 years ago

    Where’s Waldo?

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  3. Georg von rosen   oden som vandringsman  1886  odin  the wanderer
    runar  about 12 years ago

    I know that some stores are starting their Black Friday on Thursday, but almost a hundred years before the first Thanksgiving is going a little too far…

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  4. Avatar 3
    pcolli  about 12 years ago

    See what happens when you pull the bottom item out of the pyramid? Now, “Clean up in aisle three.”

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  5. Howdaru 95x752
    sizer99  about 12 years ago

    That’s every Sunday after noon here… only go on weekdays after 7pm. It’s a whole new world o/~

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  6. Missing large
    vwdualnomand  about 12 years ago

    that is why i get a bucket of chicken, a pizza, and chinese takeout.

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  7. 170
    finale  about 12 years ago

    Occupy your Sofa and Boycott Black Friday..I do feel very sorry for the temps and part timers that have no choice in having their Thanksgiving ruined by these stores that open before 8 AM Friday. .“Don’t want to work?…fine…you’re fired!!!!!!!!”.As to the picture….that’s about right….just add a few more people acting like baboons on meth.

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  8. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Enlarged image can be found here (along with a description), or at Mr. Melcher’s blog entry.Vegetable Market is shown on its current-location page, along with a longer description and different coloration image. A different coloration, click-to-enlarge detail image is shown here (search for Seller). The artist’s Wikipedia page and collection (more under Subcategories).So far, 2 works by this artist have appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog.

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  9. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  about 12 years ago

    Self Check is faster.One more chorus of Jingle Bells and I’ll show the band why there are open carry restrictions.

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  10. Img 7448
    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 12 years ago

    ONIONS!OMG, i forgot to get the onions!

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  11. Gustave courbet   le d sesp r
    mabrndt Premium Member about 11 years ago

    Here is another work by this artist.

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