How come you're not wearing your bullet proof vest Dad?
Its at work.
what if something happens before you get to the precinct?
Sunny, what are the chances -
You want me to bring what to your house?!
He needs one of those real sweet external carriers for his vest. The kind that look like the front of the shirt. They are so much cooler and comfortable. Plus, the vest can breathe, so it won’t smell like you store skunks in it. Even in winter, a vest under the uniform shirt can get sweaty and ripe. Cops are some of the world’s biggest Febreeze buyers, for that reason.
SCOTTtheBADGER about 12 years ago
He needs one of those real sweet external carriers for his vest. The kind that look like the front of the shirt. They are so much cooler and comfortable. Plus, the vest can breathe, so it won’t smell like you store skunks in it. Even in winter, a vest under the uniform shirt can get sweaty and ripe. Cops are some of the world’s biggest Febreeze buyers, for that reason.