Free Range by Bill Whitehead for December 01, 2012

  1. Chai
    Perkycat  about 12 years ago

    Welcome to today’s world.

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  2. Wingedcloud yuku
    SapphireSkies Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Nothing like the very rich as job creators… in the country where they can make the most money from the smallest investment with the least regard for human and environmental safety.

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  3. 36238pevo w
    cheetahqueen  about 12 years ago

    Really getting tired of people demonizing the so-called “wealthy” job creators! I’ve had many, many jobs in my life and not one of my employers was poor. However, most of them were not rich, either!

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    hippogriff  about 12 years ago

    MPeters: Actually, it is not job creators who are getting flak, but the billionaire job destroyers. With their control of the media and bribing of officials, they are also destroying the job creators.

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    murphyspop  about 12 years ago

    I forgot. Somebody remind me how the central government taking more money from “wealthy” people and spending it on a bunch of cronies’ crap projects is better for creating jobs and sustaining a vibrant economy than than the “wealthy” folks investing in businesses and buying stuff. Did I hear somebody say the extra taxes the “wealthy” will pay will help pay the nation’s debt and reduce the deficit? Yeah, right…and I bet my pig can fly higher than yours can.

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