mom: hickory dickory dock...the mouse ran up the clock! the clock struck one, the mouse ran down! hickory dickory dock! and you're telling me this why?
Babies have changed these days, Thatamom.
Thatababy, you will be asking your parents “And you’re telling me this WHY?” a few MILLION times the next few years!
Good one madam!
Couldn’t help notice Stephan Pastis “Duck” on the back cover of the book first panel.
April 08, 2014
pouncingtiger about 12 years ago
Babies have changed these days, Thatamom.
Godfreydaniel about 12 years ago
Thatababy, you will be asking your parents “And you’re telling me this WHY?” a few MILLION times the next few years!
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
Good one madam!
TheDOCTOR about 12 years ago
Couldn’t help notice Stephan Pastis “Duck” on the back cover of the book first panel.