See? Back then “cellulite” was considered beautiful. They called it “dimples” and women were supposed to have skin as white as cream. O tempore, o mores.
Click-to-enlarge image can be found at Mr. Melcher’s blog entry.The Judgement of Paris (link shows Wikipedia page) is shown by its current-location page, along with a description, and accompanying click-to-humongous image.Another coloration image, along with a description, and still different coloration, click-to-enlarge detail image can be found here.The artist painted at least 5 versions. In addition to the one shown here, the artist painted this before 1600 (though this says 1625), this in 1605, this in 1606, and this during 1632-5 (this says 1636).Many different coloration and detail images of each are available online. The artist’s Wikipedia page and collection (many more under Subcategories at each level).Fourth of the 7 (for some reason, this may not be in the list) works by this artist, that have, so far, appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog, to also appear here.
Please increase the size of this comic. It keeps getting smaller and smaller on my computer screen. Today’s strip is so small I can make no sense of it.
Linguist about 12 years ago
The one on the right is getting a bit cheeky !
baileydean about 12 years ago
… I just thought he was trying to decide whether he was a “T” an “A” or a leg guy…!
pcolli about 12 years ago
“Clear off, girls. This our cruising area.”
orinoco womble about 12 years ago
See? Back then “cellulite” was considered beautiful. They called it “dimples” and women were supposed to have skin as white as cream. O tempore, o mores.
PICTO about 12 years ago
I’ll trade this apple for a fuzzy peach.
lisapaloma13 about 12 years ago
I thought he was offering them an iron pill for their anemia.
finale about 12 years ago
The dog looks scared.
Arianne about 12 years ago
Talk about loosened inhibitions… those girls are three sheets to the wind!
mabrndt Premium Member about 12 years ago
Click-to-enlarge image can be found at Mr. Melcher’s blog entry.The Judgement of Paris (link shows Wikipedia page) is shown by its current-location page, along with a description, and accompanying click-to-humongous image.Another coloration image, along with a description, and still different coloration, click-to-enlarge detail image can be found here.The artist painted at least 5 versions. In addition to the one shown here, the artist painted this before 1600 (though this says 1625), this in 1605, this in 1606, and this during 1632-5 (this says 1636).Many different coloration and detail images of each are available online. The artist’s Wikipedia page and collection (many more under Subcategories at each level).Fourth of the 7 (for some reason, this may not be in the list) works by this artist, that have, so far, appeared in Mr. Melcher’s blog, to also appear here.
Linguist about 12 years ago
" Does my butt look too big ? "
G Gilbert Yule about 12 years ago
Please increase the size of this comic. It keeps getting smaller and smaller on my computer screen. Today’s strip is so small I can make no sense of it.
coolhand000 about 12 years ago
Auditioning for future single mom hookers . . .
Thehag about 12 years ago
How interesting these women all have well developed muscles. These goddess’ worked hard at physical labor.
codedaddy about 12 years ago
When you enlarge the image, check out the closest sheep’s head. It looks more like a hound!
mabrndt Premium Member over 11 years ago
Here is another work by this artist.