Ten Cats by Graham Harrop for December 03, 2012

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 12 years ago

    Well whaddaya know. I just learned the Brits and their minions spell “license” differently. I’ll add that to my list of stupid British spellings. (Colour? Centre? Programme? Draught? Plough? Really! Americans should be grateful Noah Webster did as good a job as he did in changing American spelling. Too bad he didn’t take it further and get rid of every stupid “gh”.)

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  2. Dragonfly clip art  9337
    CeeJay  about 12 years ago

    Maybe he can get his licence on line! But then again, I think they’d need two cats to operate a bulldozer; one for the petals and one to steer.

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  3. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 12 years ago

    I don’t care how you spell license. I just love this comic strip! One of the best ones out there!

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  4. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  about 12 years ago

    English spelling has to do with how it was pronounced where the first printers set up shop. I sometimes just for fun pronounce it as written.

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  5. Mr. connolly
    gcarlson  about 12 years ago

    As kids in northern Illinois my sister and I once made a snow turkey for Thanksgiving (with music for “Snowbird” in its wing) and a snow rabbit for Easter.

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  6. Missing large
    Gilda Blackmore  about 12 years ago

    There is a verb: “to license”There is a noun: “a licence”Remember? to advise is a verb; advice is a noun even in the USofA. I advise you to remember my good advice.

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