FoxTrot by Bill Amend for December 30, 2012
Roger: Do we have any rice cakes? Andy: I don't think so. What for? Roger: I need to lose weight for my New Year's resolution. Andy: I can pick some up next time I go to the store. Roger: Nah, I'll just drive over and get some now. Andy: It's December 30th, the New Year doesn't start for two more days. What's the hurry? Roger: I'm talking about the resolution I made for THIS year. I need to lose 15 pounds by tomorrow. Andy: Roger, relax. We all come up short on these things now and then. It's not a big deal. Roger: Not a big deal?! A resolution is a pledge! Maybe you don't, but I take my pledges very, very seriously! Andy: By the way, I thought your resolution was to lose 5 pounds, not 15. Roger: Turns out I've gained 10. Andy: How very, very, very sad.
Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago
If he wants to lose 15 pounds in two days, there better be some listeria in those rice cakes.
skeeterhawk about 12 years ago
He sure takes his pledges seriously since he waits till now to even consider them. I was sure she’d say, ’Rice cakes? Just eat my tofu."
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
for most of us, resolutions are flexible goals that we fail at.
tnhippiechick about 12 years ago
the stupid flu has knocked about 10 lbs off me in so many days. of course more than half that the holiday extra that would’ve come off quickly anyway. this weight loss plan not for the weak, or the smart…… i certainly would have avoided it given the choice.
Phosphoros about 12 years ago
He takes pledges so very very seriously that he waits until December 30th to take action on it.
mkahn about 12 years ago
Very easy way to lose 10 pounds of ugly fat… cut off your head.
octagon about 12 years ago
I resolved to never make resolutions a long time ago.
Elderflower about 12 years ago
Every year, I just recycle last year’s resolutions. It keeps things simple.
Buggerlugs about 12 years ago
How to lose 200 pounds of ugly fat:Get a divorce.
Rickapolis about 12 years ago
Drat, all my ‘lose ugly fat’ jokes have already been used.
spamster about 12 years ago
It gives friends and family something to tease you about.
Ermine Notyours about 12 years ago
Lose weight by eating cakes made of Rice Crispy Treats? I’m all for that!
yolojudge23 about 12 years ago
i get it the rice cake made a resolution and needs to keep to it to learn the real american way =D
Doctor11 about 12 years ago
I have my own ways of losing weight, and I’ve been doing a better job then Roger.
kaigun about 12 years ago
I actually kept my resolution this year to lose weight and I am pretty happy. For 2013 it will be to keep it off.
Commentator about 12 years ago
I don’t really get the joke in this one.
steelersneo almost 12 years ago
I resolve to make no resolutions. Darn, I blew it already. Now that we have that out of the way we can move on to more important issues.
GregoriusM over 11 years ago
it stinks