Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 24, 2012
Roland: Looks like we're out of the woods... Ed: Don't be so sure. Roland: Boss, 200 million shoppers can't be wrong. We won! Christmas is here to stay! Ed: Hedley, as long as there' s a single atheist out there trying to destroy Christmas as we know it, we have to remain at our posts! Man: Ed! They tipped over a manger in Michigan! Roland: Sweet Jesus... Ed: See? Go, go go! At Fox News, the war on Christmas is winding down
Linguist about 12 years ago
My eye is going. I swear, at first glance I thought it said : " They tipped over a Manager in Michigan ". From my perspective more obscure but as amusing !
Peabody-Martini about 12 years ago
I wonder what would happen if someone did something that totally subverted their alternate reality bubble.
greyolddave about 12 years ago
Maybe they might be interested enough to investigate the war on American citizens we’ve been reading about. Not so well published was this guy in PA who drove down the road shooting people. One was a woman putting Christmas lights on her house.
Coyoty Premium Member about 12 years ago
I thought that was the NRA.
roctor about 12 years ago
I can almost hear the blond holding her head thinking,“reading is hard”.
kaffekup about 12 years ago
Someone actually wrote, and had published in the Atlanta paper, a letter asking for an end to the war on Christmas!
cdward about 12 years ago
Why limit it to Christianity? Or religion in general? Why not include most marketing (the entire premise of which is to create uncertainty about oneself, then conveniently provide a product that will magically make one all better)? By the way, not all Christianity works the way you describe – it never does well to paint an entire group with one stroke.
Carol69 about 12 years ago
This is spot on. A lone malcontent, whack job, loser imposeshis/her little needs on 200 million others. Then the liberal press is there to berate the 200 million for not being sensitive to the whack job’s little feelings.
vwdualnomand about 12 years ago
to paraphrase joe mccarthy, if there is one atheist, that is one too many. fox news is deluded in that there is a war on xmas. and, they make up numbers on how many atheists are in america. plus, they are not a real journalist org. they even admit they are not a journalist org. pretty soon, though, their parent company will be charged with foreign corrupt practices for hacking phones and bribing officials in britain.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
“If nothing else, FAUX Noise is always good for a laugh ….”
Or watching Megyn Kelly’s legs.
chazandru about 12 years ago
Just before the Spanish American war broke out, one of William Randolph Hearst’s reporters telegraphed that he saw no sign of war preperations in Cuba. Hearst telegraphed back, you supply the pictures, I’ll supply the war.Just wanted to reinforce your eloquent comment.Happy Holidays Night Gaunt.C.
Rainfoot about 12 years ago
Cristains also forget that at least 95% of their religion was stolen/assimilated from other religions and that the romans called them athiests for not believeing in polytheism.
pekenpug about 12 years ago
Linguist, that was my initial reading, too!
marshalldoc about 12 years ago
Would that mean their expressions are ’crechefallen;?
William Bednar Premium Member about 12 years ago
“Just as in marketing, you have to manufacture a threat in order to have a standing remedy. Imaginary or no.”#This is way off subject, Hedley wise, but this is how the NRA’s establishes it’s position on guns and gun ownership, that is: “manufacture a threat, imaginary or not”. The “imaginary” threat is “ Banning assault weapons and high round ammunition clips, and what will they do next? They will take away ALL of YOUR guns!” the standing remedy? “Go out and buy MORE guns!!”.
TCulberson about 12 years ago
“by his wounds you have been healed” 1 Peter 2:24
mluckie7 about 12 years ago
What’s funny is that I and all the atheists I know will say “Merry Christmas.” We decorate our trees and give gifts. We help people (actually more than most Christians I know) and keep calm in the stores instead of screaming at poor retailers.
Mythreesons about 12 years ago
And a Merry Christmas to you, too. You are one of my favorite commenters. And Hobbes, over at Calvin & Hobbes.
rockngolfer about 12 years ago
Big story: Doll stolen from nativity scene in Frostproof.Thousand dollar reward…..
Linguist about 12 years ago
Jesus would never have been crucified if he, and his posse were packing ! -—————-St. Wayne LaPierre
annieb1012 about 12 years ago
@DTPi “Nonsense.”
Thank you.
unca jim about 12 years ago
@mluckie7 said,
“What’s funny is that I and all the atheists I know will say “Merry Christmas.” We decorate our trees and give gifts. We help people (actually more than most Christians I know) and keep calm in the stores instead of screaming at poor retailers "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^AND we don’t go around knocking on doors ‘saving’ other Atheists like us…
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Don’t forget to also have the armed guards in shopping malls and movie theaters… Lapierre forgot that there was an armed guard at Columbine. Lots of other countries have violent entertainment and still don’t have our gun violence which was something Lapierre also blamed.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Interestingly, in Japan around the same time of the Columbine shooting, there was a movie released called “Battle Royale” which was what the movie/book “The Hunger Games” was based on, only in “Battle Royale” the games took place in a middle school. If you were a fan of “The Hunger Games” you would love “Battle Royale” which is also a story about a post-apocalyptic world. For many years after Columbine, “Battle Royale” was censored here in the US. It seems as if since the latest mass shooting, more people were awakened by the senseless nature of it all, since there were so many young children involved as well as adults. Sad. Personally, I was just as outraged and shocked by the mass shootings in which the victims were not for the most part, so young. I drew the line long before it was a group of 1st graders who were shot. Yes, it was sad that they were such young people but the lives of the others were just as precious.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
Actually, to be respectful of one another — atheist and agnostic and believer (Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) — IS part of the Christmas message.
KJV Luke 2. When Jesus was born “there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. … And suddenly there was … a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
This text hardly needs my elucidation — but I will say that it’s pretty hard to be “respectful of each other” if we don’t have “on earth peace, good will toward men” in our hearts.
DylanThomas3.14159 about 12 years ago
NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre wants to station “good guys” in every public school kindergarten “from the mountains to the prairies to the oceans white with foam” armed with military assault rifles capable of killing one kindergartner per second! He’ll only station ONE “good guy with a gun” in every school? Well, what good’s ONE “good guy” against three or four crazed insanatics entering simultaneously from north, east, south and west and armed with assault weapons plus gasoline cannisters, hand GRENADES, BOMBS, and who knows what else?
La Pierre for President! Maybe he’ll see the point and put a whole platoon in each school — with with maybe even an ARTILLERY platoon and/or a TANK platoon!
I mean, during recess the ’gartners could climb up on the tank or artillery weapon, both loaded to the max with live ammo! That way we taxpayers won’t need to waste our money on Jungle Gyms!
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Saying “Happy Holidays” could be more Christian than saying “Merry Christmas” since you are not automatically assuming that the person is Christian.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Lapierre also said that he wants gun safety to be taught at the first grade level in public schools. Bill Moyers addressed the recent tragedy brilliantly in his last show.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
As tough as the winters are in Michigan, it is probably more likely to be weather-related if a manger got knocked down than a group of atheists knocking it down.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Christianity does rely very heavily on Judaism, as Jesus himself was a Jew.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Benghazi has been addressed. If someone has a beef with Hillary Clinton, she will not run away from the fight. She never has and she never will. She may or may not run in 2016. She says she is tired. I believe she may be tired since she has been running all over the world as Secretary of State. It is an exhausting job and she has done well as SOS. She had a recent episode of flu, followed by fainting, hitting her head and having a concussion. Often, medical problems have that kind of domino situation. It is not the least bit unusual. Perhaps, the right wing’s favorite punching bag, the Clintons, will be back or perhaps they will not be. It is all up to them and what they want to do.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
As I said, Hillary Clinton is not afraid of the GOP and any impending witch hunts. Not really anything else to be said at this point…
cwg about 12 years ago
Wow, fictional commentators, who’d of thunk that.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
Happy Kwanzaa.
montessoriteacher about 12 years ago
And whether you like it or not, Happy Kwanzaa!
doctorwho29 almost 12 years ago
1. Hell is very real2. God is our salvation. We can’t do anything3. Everyone is welcome and they will be loved and accepted no matter who they are or what they’ve done.
God Bless You!