Ralph: Relax, Wally! There's no reason to tremble! The doctor is just going to give you a booster shot!
Wally: Booster shot?!!
Ralph: How come you don't understand "no-no," but you understand "booster shot"?
Wally: Who says I don't understand "no-no"?
solarrhino almost 12 years ago
For some reason, “booster shot” sticks better.
el8 almost 12 years ago
I’m a dog, not a frikkin’ satellite, dude.
gcarlson almost 12 years ago
Dachshunds are bred to make i ndependent decisions when they’redown a hole after a badger. They just take that independence to the point of stubborness when they’re topside.
dodgeedwardusa almost 12 years ago
A nice owner dog talk.
Barbara2Go almost 12 years ago
I can’t believe the GoComics blurb on Drabble doesn’t even mention Wally! I don’t even read it if there’s no Wally. I’m sending this vet series to my daughter — the one who has a weiner dog,and is graduating vet school soon.
kaecispopX almost 12 years ago
Ignoring “no-no” can gain one some ilicit rewards. A booster shot always delivers pain with no noticeable (to a dog) reward.