Thankfully I still have a cast-iron stomach when it comes to spicy foods but my mom is 76 years old and has to take a prescription pill every day because it seems like EVERYTHING she eats (even things that aren’t spicy or acidic) causes a tremendously unpleasant burning reaction in her throat and stomach. So afraid it’s going to someday give her cancer in at least one of those two places.
Honestly, some people… I’m 42, 5’10", 250 pounds (plenty of it soft), and can walk to and from the store that’s over three miles away with no problems but sore feet. Not everyone that’s soft in the middle is a walking heart attack.
firedome almost 12 years ago
that is SO me!
pcolli almost 12 years ago
Take a tablet…what’s one more?
IndyMan almost 12 years ago
Never had a problem with chili, cheese dogs except for the price DQ charges!!
el8 almost 12 years ago
“Chili Dogs Only Bark at Night” – Lewis Grizzard
battle of plattsburgh almost 12 years ago
They are both painful, but only one of them can be solved with an antacid tablet.
BillWa almost 12 years ago
I don’t suffer from heartburn. I enjoy every second of it.
Gretchen's Mom almost 12 years ago
Thankfully I still have a cast-iron stomach when it comes to spicy foods but my mom is 76 years old and has to take a prescription pill every day because it seems like EVERYTHING she eats (even things that aren’t spicy or acidic) causes a tremendously unpleasant burning reaction in her throat and stomach. So afraid it’s going to someday give her cancer in at least one of those two places.
Elite1grey almost 12 years ago
but its oooooHHHhh so good
ColonelClaus almost 12 years ago
And people wonder why I’m hooked on Zantac.
ColonelClaus almost 12 years ago
Besides, One can NEVER eat just one Chili Cheese dog.
wanderwolf almost 12 years ago
Honestly, some people… I’m 42, 5’10", 250 pounds (plenty of it soft), and can walk to and from the store that’s over three miles away with no problems but sore feet. Not everyone that’s soft in the middle is a walking heart attack.