This strip reminds me of when my oldest son was about a year old and my mother cut his hair. When some fell down the front of the towel we had covering him, he picked it up, looked at it and started crying and begging us to “put it back.” It was pitiful and hilariously funny at the same time!!
I'll fly away almost 12 years ago
Donate it to Locks of Love. Males always look better with trimmed/cut hair.
ewalnut almost 12 years ago
Lots of athletes wear their hair like that. But I wouldn’t recommend such a short cut in the middle of winter — your head gets cold.
ossiningaling almost 12 years ago
So why does dad get to have ‘hippie hair’ AND a chin goatee?
ncalifgirl58 almost 12 years ago
I hate when I hate my haircut! lol
mkahn almost 12 years ago
John Jackson Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I remember being in 2nd grade, wanting to grow my ‘fro like the Jackson 5. I had a very similar reaction in the barber’s chair.
crystalwizard almost 12 years ago
What is it with dads insisting that their kids get stupid shaved haircuts, or cuts they themselves wouldn’t be caught dead wearing?
nikkib Premium Member almost 12 years ago
This strip reminds me of when my oldest son was about a year old and my mother cut his hair. When some fell down the front of the towel we had covering him, he picked it up, looked at it and started crying and begging us to “put it back.” It was pitiful and hilariously funny at the same time!!