FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for March 18, 2013
Paige: I can't believe I'm spending Spring Break with nothing to do. Andy: Nothing? Don't be silly. You could clean your room... you could get a jump on your homework... you could help me with the laundry... Paige: I can't believe I'm spending Spring Break with practically nothing to do. Andy: In fact, I put together a list...
legaleagle48 almost 12 years ago
Let me translate for you, Andy. What Paige means is that she has practically nothing fun to do during Spring Break!
mdcdjg2008 almost 12 years ago
I learned at a young age not to complain about nothing to do within earshot of my parents…never did like their solutions.
Zero-Gabriel almost 12 years ago
@PaigeIf you value your spring-break… RUN GIRL, RUN LIKE THE WIND!!!!
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
One of the most dreaded statements from a parent, ‘I think you need more responsibilities.’
Zero-Gabriel almost 12 years ago
OK, scratch that…Stick both fingers in ears and hum real loud!
Zero-Gabriel almost 12 years ago
Or “Plan-C”, take Andy’s stupid list and set it on fire!!
Zero-Gabriel almost 12 years ago
Andy STARTED it…Talk about absolutely clueless… and manipulative (in a very bad way)!
Meowy_Sparkles about 2 years ago
Andy, you aren’t being fun. You make them clean most spring breaks, let them have a break once in a while