Cow and Boy Classics by Mark Leiknes for March 01, 2013
"What're you doing?" "Princess Jazzalina is too cute to just keep to myself anymore, so I'm going to share him with the world." "It's a calendar devoted to the early pioneers of experimental synth rock. April is Devo month." "And I'm sure the world can't wait." "The fence is popsicle sticks, can you believe it?"
aerilim almost 12 years ago
And the whip is licorice.
pschearer Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I live in a place called Devon which is just off several major highways. Years ago someone would always spray-paint the off-ramp exit signs to say DEVO.
J Short almost 12 years ago
Crack that whip!
CoBass almost 12 years ago
On a related topic, The Kitten Covers – “Legendary albums from a world dominated by kittens.”
Michelle Morris almost 12 years ago