Frank and Ernest by Thaves for February 24, 2013
Wonderland Movie Awards Frank: Tonight's award show was very exciting, and now it's time for the after-party! Frank: The Seven Dwarfs are here -- they were tonight's winner for "Best Short". Frank: There's the frog who turned into a prince. He's the "Best Adaptation" winner. Frank: And here comes the Pied Piper, who took the trophy for "Best Performance By A Leading Man"! Frank: The Big Bad Wolf hosted tonight's show and is getting rave reviews--he blew away the audience! Frank: His performance was cheered wildly! Ernest: He brought the house down!
margueritem almost 12 years ago
Love it.
flagfly almost 12 years ago
Mr Thaves…you win!
ambassadorstt almost 12 years ago
Outdid yourself on this one! Love it!!!
InTraining Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Sorry, Humpty Dumpty did not win for "Best Stunt’….! ! !
iharr1 almost 12 years ago
This is great!
Linda Pearson almost 12 years ago
Of all the comics I read, Frank and Ernest are still the best. Have never seen one that did not make me laugh.
kitsober almost 12 years ago
And Jack, who climbed the beanstalk, was awarded for reaching great heights.
Perkycat almost 12 years ago
And the funniest comic award goes to ‘Frank and Ernest’. Yaaaaaay!!!!
iced tea almost 12 years ago
Did Rapunzel get the award for the longest hair? Did Jack and Jil win for best couple of the year? I heard Goldielocks wrote a book about her adventures in the Three Bears house.
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
These sound better than the movies out now.
el8 almost 12 years ago
The Big Bad Wolf got more rave reviews than “Gone With The Wind”.
bmonk almost 12 years ago
Did Red Riding Hood get cheers or jeers for her outfit?