Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for February 06, 2013
Cathy: I have committed to a 30-minute walk five times a week! Co-worker: Great! Follow it with squats to work the glutes, quads, and hamstrings! Andrea: Curls for the biceps! Shoulder presses for the deltoids and triceps! Co-worker: Crunches for the abs! Yoga after! Andrea: Stretch before! And alternate days on the elliptical trainer and wall climber! Cathy: The exercise is fine. It's the support group that's exhausting.
lightenup Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Don’t listen to them, Cathy! Do what you know you can do, not what others say. That’s how I’ve slowly added good habits to my life. I’ve picked something that I think I can do (no ice cream, more fruit, etc) and as soon as that becomes part of my life, then I’ll add something else. It’s when one tries to do too much all at once is when one gets overwhelmed and gives up.Good morning, lovely Cathy clan!!
QuietStorm27 almost 12 years ago
lightenup’s right Cathy. I had a very good week then I gave up for the last two weeks, too much pressure. But I’ll start again as soon as I feel better and work at my own pace.
Good morning lightenup and the rest of the Cathy clan!
ncalifgirl58 almost 12 years ago
Aww..Nice to be called lovely lightenup! lol Thanks. u2! And you are right. One change at a time works pretty good. Depending on the change that is. lol
Gretchen's Mom almost 12 years ago
And now, thanks to these 2 “helpful” co-workers, Cathy’s commitment to walk 30 minutes, 5 days a week, has probably gone right out the window because she barely had enough time to do just the walking by itself. Squeeze in any more than that? Can’t! So now, why even bother walking at all when it’s not (supposedly) going to do any “good” if those other things “have” to go along with it and there’s no time to do them too?! So, so helpful!!!!! Not!!!!! :-(
Hi, rgcviper!
Hello and Happy Hump Day (a.k.a. Wednesday) to all my nutty “Cathy Clan” friends. Hope your week is going great so far!
rgcviper almost 12 years ago
Well, I was gonna say … “You started it, Cathy”. However, Mom, I see your point that the … potential helpers … aren’t actually helping so much. Small steps, right?
I also just realized that we haven’t seen a good “AACK!” in this comic for a long time. I feel so deprived … ha.
HI, MOM. Greetings to the awesome and nutty Clan. Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Hi Cathyites!! I say AACK!! to the friends — do what you planned for yourself Cathy — it’s good enough.