Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for August 02, 2016

  1. 8487d5805da9012ee3bf00163e41dd5bfunny
    summerdog86  over 8 years ago

    I’m not sure that I could live with someone like Cathy. I may love her….but live with her?

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  2. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  over 8 years ago

    Cathy is her very own definition of crazy.

    Happy Tuesday Cathy friends! lightenup how did the first day of school go? Still can’t believe they started so soon. Mom that’s tough, your mom reminds me of my sis. So much junk for no reason at all.

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  3. Large cathyfacepalm
    lightenup Premium Member over 8 years ago

    I will admit that I like certain plastic storage boxes more than others, but I’d never prevent my husband from using them or the “good cardboard” ones. I’d just be happy he is helping out..Hello Cathy friends! The first day of school yesterday was good, although long. We got up early to make sure we were ready on time and then I had to take a zillion pictures. :-) And our bus stop is the last one,so they didn’t get home until 5pm. By the time we got caught up and unwound, we had dinner late and got to bed late. It’ll take some time to get used to this schedule.But, they seemed to like most of their classes and the school. They had some friends in her classes, which was nice. Let’s hope today went well too!Have a great day, everyone!

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  4. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  over 8 years ago

    Irving, your wife is a whack-a-doodle. My advice? You’ve only been married 6 months. Get an annulment and save yourself before it’s too late! ;-)


    Hi, rgcviper! :-)


    lightenup: A long day yesterday to be sure, but glad to hear thatit was a good one for your sweet girls all the same! :-)


    Hello and Happy Tuesday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyonehad a really great day today! :-)


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  5. Cathy aack Premium Member over 8 years ago

    lightenup…glad the kids are adjusting!! Still seems like they got no vacation at all….oh well, next summer :)

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  6. Dodge viper green 2
    rgcviper  over 8 years ago

    As I like to say, generally speaking: K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple, Stupid.) [Smile]

    HI, MOM. But, come to think of it, I think K.I.S.W.A.D. (Keep It Simple, Whack-A-Doodle) is even better! Love that “W.A.D.” phrase …

    Greetings, Clan.

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