I hate dieting. The lack of food needed in order to lose weight always makes me feel grouchy too. But at least my husband and I don’t have dumb fights like this no matter how hungry we are! :-/
Hi, rgcviper! :-)
lightenup: Congrats to Lil on getting her Student of the Month award! All her friends here on “Cathy’s Corner” are so proud of her! :-)
Hello and Happy Saturday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone’s having a really nice weekend so far! :-)
Lightenup I second Gretchen’s Mom in congratulating L’il. It sounds like quite an honour for her.
Well, it is “hello goodbye” for me. Off tomorrow on a make up trip to visit friends on Roatan. This is the trip my doctor cancelled on me last year. Really happy to be finally going. I hope everyone in the Clan has a fantastic week.
Congrats to Lil on her accomplishments at school!! Dieting just makes you feel deprived…just eat a little less and make sure you only eat things you really like or need.
smorbie the great and beautiful almost 7 years ago
I have been on diets like that
SunflowerGirl100 almost 7 years ago
Food Fight! A new definition.
Charlie Tuba almost 7 years ago
A serving is the size of “half a fist”? I guess that means that Donald Trump should be eating less due to his tiny hands.
Gretchen's Mom almost 7 years ago
I hate dieting. The lack of food needed in order to lose weight always makes me feel grouchy too. But at least my husband and I don’t have dumb fights like this no matter how hungry we are! :-/
Hi, rgcviper! :-)
lightenup: Congrats to Lil on getting her Student of the Month award! All her friends here on “Cathy’s Corner” are so proud of her! :-)
Hello and Happy Saturday, fellow Cathy fans. Hope everyone’s having a really nice weekend so far! :-)
hendelca Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Lightenup I second Gretchen’s Mom in congratulating L’il. It sounds like quite an honour for her.
Well, it is “hello goodbye” for me. Off tomorrow on a make up trip to visit friends on Roatan. This is the trip my doctor cancelled on me last year. Really happy to be finally going. I hope everyone in the Clan has a fantastic week.
lindz.coop Premium Member almost 7 years ago
Congrats to Lil on her accomplishments at school!! Dieting just makes you feel deprived…just eat a little less and make sure you only eat things you really like or need.
rgcviper almost 7 years ago
Did this one make anyone else think of the Noodle Incident from “Calvin & Hobbes” … ?
Congrats to Lil on the award.
HI, MOM. Greetings, Clan.