Cathy Classics by Cathy Guisewite for May 16, 2020
Mrs. Hillman: You're called the "sandwich generation" because you have to care for young children on one side, and aging parents on the other. Of course, your "children" are dogs and you send them to doggy day care... ...And you've been texting "senior centers" for help since your aging parents arrived. As usual, you've redefined your title to suit your busy, busy lives. They're not the "sandwich generation". They're the "take-out sandwich generation".
vaughnrl2003 Premium Member over 4 years ago
Oddly, I don’t remember the ‘sandwich’ generation. I suppose they came right after the Pepsi generation but didn’t last as long.
summerdog over 4 years ago
Since when have we ever seen the dogs sent to “doggy daycare”?
StackableContainers over 4 years ago
This latest MIL storyline has dredged up a lot for me about dealing with my Mother before she passed. My first physical after she died, about three months later, my blood pressure had gone down 20-30points. I haven’t had to take BP medication since then. Nobody can stress you out like your parents.
rgcviper over 4 years ago
Yeah … to be honest, I’m just kinda over this whole arc. Some decent moments, but maybe Cathy & Irving should send the parents on a fun little vacation somewhere.
(Did I mention it should be one-way? Of course I didn’t! Ha.)
HI, MOM. Hello, Clan.