Mutt & Jeff by Bud Fisher for February 26, 2013

  1. Amnesia
    Simon_Jester  almost 12 years ago

    Well, it was good for SOMETHING.

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  2. Missing large
    alleyoops Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    She doesn’t need a blind or a shade. No one would want to look in the window at that ol’ gal.

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  3. Smallwolfface
    Dean  almost 12 years ago

    So did she ever get her money back?

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  4. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  almost 12 years ago

    Oooooh… Jeff.

    No wonder you can’t hold onto Encee.


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  5. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 12 years ago

    I think the shade was just trying to protect itself from the sight of that woman taking a bath.

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  6. Right here
    Sherlock Watson  almost 12 years ago

    This is like that old joke about a horse who was a real gentleman; every time it came up to a fence or hedge, it would stop and let the rider go over first.

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  7. Jolie album
    brklnbern  almost 12 years ago

    I thought Jeff would accept it for a refund and then give it to his girlfriend.

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