The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for February 17, 2013
The Born Loser by Art & Chip Sansom Wilberforce: Hey, Mom! Wilberforce: Would you help me with my vocabulary homework? Gladys: Well, I'll certainly try. Wilberforce: Can you tell me what a placebo is? Gladys: That's a bit difficult to describe. Let's see...a placebo is something that has no physical effect on you... Gladys: But appears to be identical to another thing that does have an effect on you. Understand? Wilberforce: I think I get it - like decaf coffee, right?
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member almost 12 years ago
All coffee is good for you, even decaf. Coffee is full of antioxidants. Hundreds of different kinds of antioxidants.So if you have a problem with caffeine, it’s sill a good idea to drink it.And it tastes good.
J Short almost 12 years ago
caller49 almost 12 years ago
Actually I’ve heard the drink with the most caffeine in it is Mountain Dew.
danlarios almost 12 years ago
if it looks like a duck walks like a duck quacks like a duck it must be a duck right?