Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for March 17, 2013

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    Katiekicks  almost 12 years ago

    My dogs’ tails are much more expressive than that. There’s the helicopter, the flip flop, the random wag…

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    Katiekicks  almost 12 years ago

    Can’t forget the butt wag…

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    mabrndt Premium Member almost 12 years ago

    Psychology Today article about tail wags.

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    Jspine  almost 12 years ago

    I call my dog little waggytail wigglebutt lickytongue puppydog.

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    Bandera_Ken  almost 12 years ago

    When the waggytail dog is wagging her tail I call her Waggytail Dog. Otherwise I call her by her name.

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    alan.gurka  almost 12 years ago

    Dogs use their tails like we use punctuation marks: there’s the straight up tail, like an exclamation mark, for surprise, and there’s the curled tail, like a question mark, when they can’t figure out what we’re trying to say or do.

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