Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for February 28, 2013
Cobra: Seriously, Rip, what's the matter? Rip: Later. Right now we need to get our chopper back from capitan diablo! Odd - no goons guarding the chopper. Dutch: Wait! Listen! Guards: El at-choo! El sneeze-o! Ay caramba! (sneeze!) Somebody shoot my (sniffle!) nose off to make it stop dripping, por favor! I -I would (sniffle!) gladly if I could s-stop sh-shivering! H-hate th-that h-haywire (shiver!) Dutch: Nice work, boy - you gave them all the flu. Rip: Wow, even when I'm not fightin' bad guys, I'm fightin' bad guys!
Rod Gonzalez almost 12 years ago
That’s Rip for you.
Chithing Premium Member almost 12 years ago
El Sneeze-o! Sounds like a sidekick for the Frito Bandito.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 12 years ago
Just so you don’t talk in circles (like some people do), just say: “Even when I’m not fighting bad guys, I win!”
punchydugan almost 12 years ago
Rip Haywire. Even his sneeze packs a punch!!
mntim almost 12 years ago
Then they got in the chopper and flu away.
EarlOfCork almost 12 years ago
He can’t help fighting bad guys. It’s in his blood!
HankTheSock almost 12 years ago
@mntim hahaha.
belldee90 almost 12 years ago
He reminds me of American Dad, what with that chin and all.
DorianKTB almost 12 years ago
Never thought I’d say “Hurray for the flu!”, but in this case it was a genius move! :-) And hey, is it me, or does that last panel make our heroes look kinda like a parody of the album cover of MEET THE BEATLES? Would that make our heroes “The Fab Three”? :-D
Dragoncat almost 12 years ago
Hold on… Did Dutch just give Rip a…COMPLIMENT!?Oh Happy Day!!!