Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for March 20, 2013
Delta: "Are you saying I don't enjoy life?" Bernice: "Do you? You're always dedicated to some serious cause" Delta: "So? I enjoy helping others" Bernice: "But you're so GOOD all the time. You never just let go. You can't even eat an Oh my dog!" Bernice: "Ok, let's talk boyfriends, then"
Templo S.U.D. almost 12 years ago
Sounds like Luann’s friends aren’t really each other’s friends.
Angelalex242 almost 12 years ago
Well, Bernice isn’t really anyone’s friend. She just..snarks at everybody.
live2read almost 12 years ago
You know, I’m really beginning to dislike Bernice. She looks too smug.
SackofRabidWeasels almost 12 years ago
First of all, Delta does not enjoy helping others; she enjoys being the type of person that helps others.
Second, is Greg trying to set up that gay character storyline again? I thought he abandoned that when FBOFW did it first.
kenhense almost 12 years ago
Well – We’re finally going to see some stuff come down with these two – which has long been requested by their fans. Delta is not one to dodge a dare. If there isn’t a secret boyfriend already – Delta will have to get to work. And Bernice better not get left in the dust.
firedome almost 12 years ago
bernice-greg’s vision of a goth girlalso the name of phil fish’s wife…
Hank1938 almost 12 years ago
Remember, Delta has big plans including a succeeding run at the White House. The problem is women usually marry UP and Delta is so high up, she has nowhere to go but DOWN. Kinda like Jennifer Aniston and Sandra Bullock…
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
The closest thing to a lesbian in this strip, is Anne Eiffel, who is definitely bi-sexual
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Ann “hitting on” Bernice, June 19, 2002
photo hosting sites
DTJB almost 12 years ago
So, eating junk food ups your badass points?
Sisyphos almost 12 years ago
Delta is doing what she can to rebut Bernice’s snarks, but it can never be enough when going up against a champion snarkist. I’m not sure Bernice is on solid ground in shifting the focus to boyfriends, however….
Mordock999 almost 12 years ago
Delta? With a Boyfriend??
Lemme see: Didn’t Delta once have a CRUSH on some guy name “Miguel” or something? Only to have Luann TAKE Him Away?
……., Like She does EVERY "Cuddly-Cute Guy introduced in THIS Strip???
reedkomicks Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Whatever it is they are eating looks like there is a tongue flapping out of the end.
Thomas Scott Roberts creator almost 12 years ago
Bernice makes the classic mistake- she’s judging others’ lives by her own standards. If Delta doesn’t do what Bernice enjoys, then surely Delta doesn’t enjoy life. Bernice needs to learn that her viewpoint is narrow minded and self-involved.
treanneb almost 12 years ago
@Donny WallaceHey its a comic not real life. The hood isn’t just black kids there’s all races there now. Maybe she doesn’t want to help just black kids maybe she wants to help everybody. Cuz even though your leaning heavily on them there are other minority. All races need help.
cabalonrye almost 12 years ago
Am I the only one who just found this funny and a good tit for tat answer? :(
rangerlg almost 12 years ago
It is obvious where this is going, Bernice and Delta are going to become lovers.
smiling4Him almost 12 years ago
Way to go Delta!!!
bearcat666 almost 12 years ago
I just admire Bernice’s ability to handle the ‘oh my dog’ . . . lol . . . it’s alwyas the quite ones you have to watch out for.
sjsczurek almost 12 years ago
People are taking this comic waaaay too seriously.
Waddling Eagle almost 12 years ago
Delta is NOT good. She is tyrannical. There are none so evil as those who try to force others to be good.
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
When are these two going away? They are only good for a minor supporting role, if that.
Hoodude almost 12 years ago
Lots of browbeating…
pennst8drr almost 12 years ago
Bernice is so snarky that she belongs in Funky Winkerbean.
JAMES G AINSWORTH almost 12 years ago
I like that Bernice is trying to get Delta to lighten up a bit. No REAL person is as altruistic as Delta’s character has been drawn to be. She can be helpful and ambitious, just let her act a little more like a real teen girl.
JAMES G AINSWORTH almost 12 years ago
You said it friend. Exactly right!
Barry44 almost 12 years ago
O heavens no. Archie didn’t introduce a gay character until FBOFW was well into reruns.
rhonda Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I like that it’s finally clear that Bernice is just snarky to everyone, not just Luann. She’s pretty smug for not having much going on in her own life.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 12 years ago
@LeviticusI haven’t been reading this strip as long as you have. When exactly was it that Bernice was ‘fun’? I’ve only seen her as sarcastic, which is not my idea of fun.
Faustus Mitternacht almost 12 years ago
volunteering other people to do projects you think up is not only rude but arrogant. First you ask, then you see what you get. Yep, Deltas gonna be a politician all right. I’m with Bernice on this one.
darrell.blanton almost 12 years ago
You guys take this to serious. Just enjoy the comic and quit trying to read sex into it. Or maybe you are so sex starved you have to have it in your comics.
ACTIVIST1234 almost 12 years ago
Terrific response to the “You can’t eat..” barb, Delta.*To the next, just say, “And YOU are giving advice on boyfriends?”*I think a tall, dark, handsome stranger will appear in town, all the girls (including Delta) will fall for him. But he will be so focused on his career he will not even see them!
transylvanian almost 12 years ago
There you go, Delta. Feel those arteries slamming shut!! :)
Caldonia almost 12 years ago
In their own ways, both of these gals ain’t much fun. Bernice is a killjoy to Luann, now to Delta, and Delta is a killjoy to any fun-loving teen in the world! Lighten up, ladies!
Caldonia almost 12 years ago
Aw, I used to love Pat, wonderful character! Thanks for triggering my nostalgia!
ACTIVIST1234 almost 12 years ago
You DID make me LOL with your picture! Everyone’s looking at me— oh no!
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
Serious question. Since I’m new here, I’ve been wondering what I have stumbled into. Do some here have a fanatical crush on luann despite being middle-aged men?
Mikeyj almost 12 years ago
Bernice dated both Aaron and Gunther, but Mr. Evans had to stop that because Bernice was shown as being a lot more fun than Luann.^^Not to mention that Luann instantly stole Gunther when she realised that Bern wanted one of “her” guys; and Lev, you forgot to mention Derrick, who was like an early version of Dirk, in some ways.
buccaneer8 almost 12 years ago
And that results in jealousies and fantasies?
Attila The Voice! almost 12 years ago
You tell it like it is bern! Its for your own good Delta :D
mechaman almost 12 years ago
Bit hypocritical, Bernice? Where’s YOUR boyfriend?
Sheriff Mordecai Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Lev – while I highly commend you for hammering the irrepressibly loquacious Donny yesterday, gonna have to call your bluff on Mojito. I know the Moj and talk to the Moj. You’re no Jack Kennedy. I mean, Moj ain’t posting. That’s Clydefroggian to say otherwise . You can irritate the deserving Donny with the truth, nothing beats it. And never assume gender.