Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for March 26, 2013
TEACHER: All right, may each jave five jelly beans. CHAD: Yay! NATE: Thanks! I want a lime one, but how do I know if this green one is lime? It might be sour apple and I hate sour apple. Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa Sniffa NATE: Can't tell. I'm putting it back. TEACHER: No, you're not.
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) over 11 years ago
Oh, Nate
BRI-NO-MITE!! Premium Member over 11 years ago
I haven’t seen jalapeño Jelly Bellys in a long time. They were my favorite.
TripleT over 11 years ago
By the way he sniffs the jellybean,I would recommend him to the airport security.
fresco b milne over 11 years ago
man ! the colorist had a job doing those jelly beans
orbenjawell Premium Member over 11 years ago
Oh, he SOOOOOOOOOOOO is not!! Go, Shippy, go Shippy, GO SHIPPY!! Wahhhhh, ha Ha HA!!
mariorules91 over 11 years ago
I hate the yellow ones, but love the red ones.
Dark ages over 11 years ago
It kind of looks like Nate stuffs it up his nose
bignate creator over 11 years ago
Good point! Just another one of my many inconsistencies. i.e., sometimes Nate’s a master trash talker, sometimes he’s not. Sometimes when he opens his locker a tidal wave of garbage comes out, and other times the locker seems almost empty.
bignatesgirl over 11 years ago
WHAT! Yeah black Jelly beans taste bad, but candy corn is AWESOME!!! The first time I tried one I couldn’t believe how yummy it was! It’s better than marshmallows!
Also, Nate must have stuck the jelly bean up his nose! Gross!
dreadlokz over 11 years ago
Nate, you weirdo!
ncalifgirl58 over 11 years ago
Funny how everyone likes different ones. Love, love, love jalapeno jellybellies too!
thouπ over 11 years ago
I actually tried Bertie Botts Every Flavor Jellybeans (from some Harry Potter exhibition), the “soap” tasted ok, but I nearly puked after trying “earthworm”
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
I’m afraid she’s right Nate.
ms529212 over 11 years ago
And this is why I don’t partake of non-individually-wrapped snack foods at other people’s houses (who have kids). I once took a bag of potato chips to a get-together. The resident toddler decided he didn’t like them and put some back. You go ahead and keep that bag of chips. That bag of chips is yours now.
Rickapolis over 11 years ago
You better hope that those peanuts in the bowl never had chocolate on them.
hometownk Premium Member over 11 years ago
My favourites are the black ones. Mmm. Licorice.
jeffin101 over 11 years ago
For some reason I want to taste the booger ones beacause I would rather have to eat my booger in a jelly bean then by itself.
Superchen over 11 years ago
I haven’t eaten a single jelly bean for 6 years.
Dark ages over 11 years ago
I have finally finished Every Bignate comic from 1997-2013
tunextgeneration over 11 years ago
Shubes over 11 years ago
And Ms. Shipulski draws the line! LOL!
TripleT over 11 years ago
minecraftfan01 over 11 years ago
i LOVE greenn apple
BIGNATE#EPIC281 over 8 years ago
The coconut ones are nasty.
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) almost 4 years ago
that was really creepy
nintendopoptarts64 almost 2 years ago
Ew, do know how many kids Probably out their fingers in there? Is that even sanitary?
doctorwho29 over 1 year ago
His master nose failed
OutLawed546 11 months ago
I thought Nate had a keen sense of smell?